Monday, November 24, 2008

Ahimsa: the weapon of mass change (into peace)

Ahimsa is not merely eating vegetarian food or stopping oneself from using products from animals like woolen, milk or animal fat. Ahimsa is consciously distancing oneself from all kinds of actions that may give harm to anybody or any living beings, physically or otherwise. We should also remember that, one should not over-do it in a way that may disrupt one’s normal life.
Ahimsa is the practice of Universal Love in every-day life and not merely a non-violent way of doing things. It teaches us to treat everybody alike in an affectionate way, even those who try to harm us. The Spiritual Guru (teacher), Amma (Mother), Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi says,' suppose we fall into a pit. Do we poke our own eyes because they didn't guide us properly? Just as we endure any defects in our own eye sight, we should be compassionate towards others, always putting up with their shortcomings'. It urges to show compassion towards fellow beings while dealing with day to day problems.
It is the most effective weapon that a present day, modern era nation can use against all the ills in this world. The solutions found through Ahimsa (non-violent means) not only solve the problem but also reaps compassion and love in this world. Actions rooted in compassion towards others will not only make our hearts more expansive but also fill others with compassion.

Ahimsa can be followed as a very noble and practical base for any genuine reaction of an advanced human race. It should have been the by-law of every society and every country by now, only if we consider the years gone by and the wealth of knowledge and experience the human race possess.

Our human race suffered endless pain and suffering from numerous wars we fought against each other for land, resources, money and for a whole lot of reasons. Every problem in this world has a solution. When we start to address every problem with a positive outlook and try to find out a solution in an atmosphere of mutual respect and brotherhood we can solve every problems of this world or at least get the strength to face it and the sweet fragrance of Universal Love
will fill in this world.

Violence reaps only Violence. How can somebody do good to somebody by hurting.

How can somebody serve a community or a country by demolishing the same?

Only Actions firmly based on Ahimsa and selfless love can lead us towards a bright future.

These days people prefer to expresses their opinions and dissents through violence. If anybody needs to be heard or seek attention of the society, media or government, resorts to violence as their medium. They try to disrupt, destruct and demolish public property to get attention. It is happening in a country where the noble act of Satayagraha, the non-violent but powerful way of fighting for truth and justice once flourished. The word Satayagraha itself had been discredited many times by the politicians of all the political parties (including those which claim to bear at least the name of the ‘national party’ before Indian independence, even not the legacy or principles). Remember this is the land of great souls like Sri Buddha, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi.
Dated 11/27/08 6:55 AM

1 comment:

  1. It is an eye opener to the advantages of the principle of Ahimsa
