Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wake up! Our Country needs you.

Our country, our beloved mother, is in pain. She suffers from terrorism, hunger, corrupt leaders and her irresponsible, lazy people. Attacks on our motherland with help from outside the country and with the traitors inside, in the name of terrorism is killing her children, young and old. The freedom and unity of our country is in danger; from our enemies, religious fanaticism (of Hindu, Muslim and Christian), local favoritism and separatism of regions (of Tamil people in Tamil Nadu, of Telungu people for Telungana, of Maradthi's in Maharashtra, as in Assam, Bihar). The factors that hurt our progress are increasing and getting stronger day by day. Where are the men and women of Iron-Will in our country? Are you still sleeping in this hour of distress?

The infidel politicians of our country are making her weak and insecure. They 'serve' our country to satisfy their own greed of money, power and other selfish-needs. They value their respective political parties than our beloved country. The principles and policies of each political party in our country are so diverse that some of them are contradictory in nature. The basic principles and ideologies of some political parties even weakens our nation's integrity and often times over rides the common interests of the public. Often times there are cases when the different States of our country and the Center is ruled by different political parties and the decisions, policies, recommendations and programs by the Central Government is not followed and duly ignored by the State governments and vice verse. This includes policies on our national security and overall development of the country.

Our country has a diverse culture. Our countrymen follow different ideas, principles, religions, languages, clothing, etiquette, cuisines, etc. We in the middle of all these diversities are united in our Indianess. We unite in the name of one country, INDIA. But the politicians in our country see we people as their 'vote banks'. They cash in on our diversities. They treat us in groups based on religions, castes, wealth, etc. It is necessary for them to divide the people into small groups, the interests and opinions of which can be easily manipulated to their favour in elections and to get to power.

It is easy to break a stick than a bundle. If we are divided into different fractions or groups of people, based on our religion, castes, mother toung, ect., it will be easy for the politicians to keep us occupied in silly pursuits, like the progress of a particular group of people based on different factors, say religion or caste, etc., rather than focusing on the development of the entire nation. Focusing on identifiable groups of 'vote-banks' and catering to their petty needs, will make the job of the politicians and political parties easy and it will help them to enjoy their tenure at the government without bothering much into the core problems of our country and its overall development. The interests and needs of a particular community, when compared to that of the whole country will be very meager. Raising a cat is much easier than raising a Tiger. It is more beneficial for the politicians to appease a small group with small appetite which will in return will make the number and support them in power, than the country as a whole for the collective good.

Now we are in an age where the patriotism in our country is very low. (We show some glimpse of it for brief periods only when some national disasters happens.) Now a days we often mistake communalism, separatism, local or regional favouritism for 'patriotism', thanks to powerful politicians and so called ‘national leaders’ who manipulates and misguides people’s mind and perception beyond rationale. Our own people can conspire against our country for money, greed or for personal gains.

The values in our society are degenerating, we became more selfish, and globalization made us slaves of consumerism and materiality. We were so engrossed in the pleasures inside our four walls that when the alarm bell of terrorism at Mumbai (26-29Nov 2008)shook our consciousness and woke us up through the little black box (T.V.). By just changing the channels could have given anybody to realise what the mess we are in. We are in deep muddle of our own ignorance. We are in a fool’s heaven. When the terror strike was showing 'live' on T.V. by News channels for three days the other channels were showing the daily soup opera's, reality shows and the like as usual. This shows that we are missing something in our lives as an Indian. There are no uniting factors other than a less productive, time consuming slothful game of cricket, and most depressingly most people just prefer to watch than play. There are no role models or national heroes or ideas which can lead this country into a new era, or which can be looked upon by our younger generation for inspiration and run the wheel of progress faster in the right direction.
It is in the youth that she looks for hope. It is in her children she has faith.

Wake up! Act now! for a better tomorrow. Awake Arise and Go on for a peaceful and productive tomorrow.
Dated 11/30/08 7:33 AM

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