Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Universal Love

The driving force behind the great sages of India wasn't selfishness, material satisfaction or wealth. They were the seekers of Universal love and bliss induced by Self realization. In their every pursuit they seek the well-being of each and every being and non-being in the universe, whether it is a tiny fly or a human being or even an elephant. They saw everything through the eye of love and could not saw any difference between a king or a destitute other than their physical appearances. They were the embodiment of universal love.

With this honey filled heart of universal love they worked incessantly, effortlessly and lion heartedly for the well being of the universe. They saw every problem of the world as their on and tried to solve it systematically and scientifically. Their love and foresight of their work is evident even today. They were so selfless that they did little to add their names in the pages of history
and works.

They have not set aside their work for any elite group or community or religion of people but for the Entire Mankind. Unfortunately in
the later periods it was accumulated or identifiable with a particular religion or a few elite group of a religion.

In time to time there was efforts to open the flood gates of Indian wisdom to the lowest strata of Indian society itself and to the
world at large by many great known and unknown people and sages who walk through this holy land like Sree Buddha,Sri Sankaracharya,
Srirramakrishna Paramhamsa, Maa Saradha, Swami Vivekananda,Kabeer das, Sur Das, Thulasi Das to name a few.

India discarded non; it accepted the goodness’ of each and every new streams of cultures, religions and thoughts. It became an ocean, a
meeting point of rivers of diverse thoughts, religions and cultures. It became the cradle of evolution of various new cultures and
religions. it became the life blood of humanity. Even though lot of diverse thoughts and religions thrived in it, it maintained its
unique identity of universal love and Dharma (actions or reactions based on common good and righteous).

In mean time with efforts of our great ancestors a way of life emerged based on the basic values and principles
(Dharma>Karma>Ardha>Kama>Moksha) of mankind and thus a great culture evolved.

Now it is our duty to become the light of the world. By blindly imitating other cultures and discarding ours as primitive is the
worst self inflicting injury that could mount to our culture and country. Instead we should reinvent our wisdom and culture and
spread the message of universal love in our day to day life.

By this i am not propagating you to join any political party or group, society or association in India or any Live-Happy programs of
any Indian Guru. I am afraid these political parties -both communal and so called secular- and groups can cause negative impact than any positives in our society. Instead I request you to fire the oil field of thirst for knowledge within you, and seek truth and wisdom of our
Forefathers-great sages, in their works, teachings and writings. Search every nook and corner of our Puranas, Vedas,
Upanishads and learn, understand and practice their wisdom and share it with entire world publish it (in different Medias for free) and make it available for common man and use it for the enlightenment of the people residing in the lowest strata of our country.

To do this you need not be born in a particular religion or community but you should have a strong urge for wisdom and knowledge. You can do it even without a Guru or becoming a member of any society. But if you could find a Guru, who could at least adhere to its word meaning (i.e. Remover of the darkness of ignorance), and he/she accepts you, then you are just lucky. But to get the right one as a Guru is very difficult.

Anyway we should keep the fire burning and remain focused to our goal and with help of at least a thousand of like minded people we should be able to glow some light to this world.

I welcome all your comments and contributions which will make us collectively build a better world. A world were sweetness of Universal love will prevail.
Dated: 7/18/08 8:37 AM

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